Monday, February 4, 2008

You Don't know xxxx

Humans can only see a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.It's not even half a percent of the spectrum. This same idea applies to everything we experience and know such as smell, taste, hearing, our whole sence of common sence, ect. There is so much knowledge in the universe that humans couldn't even fathom. This means facts become theories, and theories are still theories but they may never be proven. As much as man kind knows now it doesn't even matter or compare to the unknown of the rest of the universe.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Life is full of hardships, whether you can't find the remote, or someone close to you has died.
Hardships such as these make people sad, angry, confused, ect. These are feelings people generally don't want to feel and want to get rid of as quick as posible. This can lead to things such as drugs, alcohol, actions of the intimate nature, and so on. these things can make yu feel better, but only for a short amount of time. Addicting things like these can never really help in the long run. You should get help in the tough parts of your life with the comfort of friends and family. Stay positive and don't look for quick fixes because in the end those quick fixes can screw up your life even more.
So as a wise man once told me "Addictions are a breeze until you are in need"
I never understood what that meant, but I hope it helps others out better than what it did for me